Tuesday, December 14, 2010

unity level 3

have been adding more to level3 and have platform moving code done

unity level3

put assets in unity an made prefabs for the platforms

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

level 3 adding structures

Finished up level 3 and added the broken walls and switches. added structures.

level 2 building maze

Redesigned the building layout and made a linear path for the player to take. Then handed it off to Dan to create the upper level path.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Next Quarter

When we start Modeling I will model out level 3 and level 2 will be done by Remy. I will have Ray do the main temple in level 2 and the temple at the end. Alex will stay on level 1 and have to show progress. I will have Joel start implimenting puzzles into the levels.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Animation Reffs

Filmed and modeled for animation reffs. and got them on to footage.


Been working on all 3 levels putting lights and enemies in them. Did the switch placement for level 3. Put pillars in level one. Did a couple different lighting styles for level one and level three. Placed the hovering scarab lights in the scene. Still all on paper for the most part, I have some done on the computer.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Worked on layout for level 3
showed to class and then worked on it again to refine its design


the main puzzle in level 2 we are using done by Ramy

level 2

worked on level two and got layout we are using in game.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

level assignments

Posted level assignments on board and going to thumb some layouts out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Been working on level 3 and posting to see if any one else will post on forum only have a few people posting under level design.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Level Design

Got my version of level 2 done just need to discuss with class and wht puzzles every one wants and what they want to keep and what to add. Add spawn points, health,  enemies, main puzzle, structures, and the focus points for player to take.


tried working on fall damage code Alex gave me but its a messed up code so cant fix it. Got help from Robin and he was trying to help me fix it and figure it out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Got respawn to work by changing my less than and greater than values to mach quadrants.

var SpawnPoint1 : GameObject;
var SpawnPoint2 : GameObject;
var SpawnPoint3 : GameObject;
var SpawnPoint4 : GameObject;

function Update()
{    // respawn when player falls off edge and is in either quadrant and be taken to set object

       if(transform.position.y <= -50)
        if(transform.position.x <=  -1  && transform.position.z >= 1)
            transform.position = SpawnPoint1.transform.position;
        if(transform.position.x >= 1 && transform.position.z >= 1 )
            transform.position = SpawnPoint1.transform.position;
        if(transform.position.x >= 1 && transform.position.z <= 1)
            transform.position = SpawnPoint2.transform.position;
        if(transform.position.x <= -1 && transform.position.z <= -1)
            transform.position = SpawnPoint2.transform.position;

level design

working on level 2 and making sure it is all done and working on concepts


working on SpawnPoints having trouble getting to spawn to multiple points but as level designer i might decide to just make the player spawn to beginning of level when he falls of map. that seems to be the easiest way to do it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

new levels

worked on level 2 file got corrupted so started over and got to this point. Gave out level assignments and checking what is done so far. Got with Alex and looked over level. just need to map out puzzles can be used due to programing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Journal entrys

Week 3

 Had a level design team meeting and gave out assignments.
 Worked on level designs draw ups.
 Worked on re-spawn code: still have to change to a game objects location right now it set to x,y,z locations.