Tuesday, January 25, 2011

worked on level 3

Worked on level three in unity brought torches in and some pots that's all i was able to get in. And a bridge. Once i get all the rest of the done assets I will import them.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3rd Quarter assignments and work

Remy will be given all the layouts and will be making the new art final versions for the game and presentation.

Alex once the colliders are done he will be putting pots and statues etcetera.

Dan will be doing finishing touches on level 2 like colliders and also once colliders are done start putting pots and plants and everything else in level 2

Ray will be doing the inside surrounding walls for level 4 the arena.

I finished the arena minus the door ways i think we have some done that i will use...Just need to finish the sky box for this level